Data & AI-Driven Solutions Platform for Business

Flexible, Efficient and Intelligent


What can we do for you


person using phone and laptop
person using phone and laptop
black framed eyeglasses on book page
black framed eyeglasses on book page

A one-stop intelligent lead platform, integrating billions of leads from mainstream media sources such as Google Business, LinkedIn, and Company Website.

Leveraging big data processing, analysis, and AI annotation algorithms, it offers four major filtering modules: Contact, Company, Business, and Technology Stack.

The platform seamlessly connects the entire lead information chain, making data more intelligent.


We offer a variety of granular data APIs and data packages, providing flexible integration to meet diverse business scenarios.

Additionally, we support custom data requirement customization services to fulfill users' specific needs and scenarios.

Who we are

A Senior Product Manager

Experienced Project Leader and Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO®) with a strong background in product and project management. A passionate advocate for impactful product strategies and innovation, bringing over 10 years of expertise to the table. Proven track record in driving growth, enhancing user experiences, and delivering value to clients.

Led a B2B2C SaaS product, achieving rapid growth with over 12,000 active users in the first year. Identified industry gaps and orchestrated the development of strategic features, resulting in a remarkable 65%+ increase in quarterly revenue. Implemented a user behavior analysis plan, optimizing pricing by 15% for a specific user segment and achieving a significant 45%+ boost in user sign-ups.

A Senior Data Scientist

Senior Data Architect with over 6 years of experience, boasting extensive expertise in data governance and specialized technical knowledge.

Proficient in all aspects of data governance, covering data collection, cleansing, and analysis.

Led the development of large-scale distributed web crawling systems and DMP data platform, showcasing a unique understanding of business and a solid foundation in data modeling.

With years of industry experience and a reservoir of specialized skills, we profoundly recognize the limitless potential of data value in the future. The technological revolution in the era of artificial intelligence solidifies our belief that the AI-driven intelligent age has arrived.

We are committed to constructing a global information flow Daas platform, utilizing cutting-edge AI technology to create a SAAS software serving enterprises worldwide.

Flexibility, efficiency, and intelligence are the goals we consistently pursue.

Why us

Contact Us



511 Kampong Bahru Rd, Singapore

7 days * 24 hours